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Master’s Degree Accreditation
Our target participants: All Universities/Training Bodies for their Masters/Courses with at least 5 years activation and that respect the requirements of I.S.P.E.F. standards Accreditation of Master’s Degree International Recognition of Master’s Degree and High Quality Training Courses Validity:  3 years (annual renewal)  Fee:Contact us for information Certification’s Goal The I.S.P.E.F. accreditation’s goal is to distinguish the quality level of Master’s degree and High quality training courses, so as to identify those that: - respect the regulation’s requirements and criteria, shared by institutions and that correspond to good practices and level of excellence; - provide a documentation of processes and results obtained within the students’ training: a) of the formative path,  b) of structural and logistical organization and  the institutional personnel, c) of the evaluation of student’s results and portfolio   . I.S.P.E.F.
Institute of Psychological Sciences of Education and Training
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